Atara loved Dubrovnik
loved the old city walls
the shops and cafés
the churches and narrow streets


she liked sitting
drinking coffee
outside the restaurant

reading her
Schopenhauer book
a cigarette held
between fingers
watching now and then
people passing


Naaman had gone
to see a few sites
he said
rid himself
of his hangover
more like
she mused
by the sea edge
of the previous night
and too much wine
or Silvovitz


she sipped her coffee
even sex
had to be aborted
room swaying
he pronounced
although it was doing
no such thing
least not
in her head
lying in bed
wanting to sleep
not sex


she heard him snoring
some time after
from the bathroom
sprawled on the floor


the Schopenhauer book
was good even if
somewhat pessimistic
with that Eastern perspective
regarding the Will
and negation


she sipped the coffee
once more
but held the mouthful
sampling the flavour
the sense on tongue
the sensation
on the inner skin
of cheeks
warm and wet
and strong
but not bitter


she swallowed
and smiled
better than
the attempted sex
or that achieved
in recent months
and days


she loved Dubrovnik
and Naaman too
but he must
she mused
inhaling smoke
change his ways.

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