Simplicity and Sacrifice

*I'm sorry if I can not be simple. Please understand that I am much more than a robot amongst robots. I am much more than dissipated energy and mortal blood. I want to make an irreparable dent in the shell of life. I want my words to ring in the core of the redwoods.

Yet I know that I must sacrifice for this, my love, and it will ultimately lead me to an early grave. Yet this pain and anguish is the volatile fuel for my ever burning fire of ambition.

In the chest in my heart, however, I carry you and it will be reserved only for you. And when you are old and full of sleep, my Cherie, I will hold your feeble hand, from a distant plane, and wait for you.

*One in a series of letters to Sanaan

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this is very beautiful and heartfelt. are the other letters in the series included in your portfolio?