
sorching in my mind i can't forgive

why should i even let you live

pull you in the dark by your hair till you scream

that your scared like someone actually fucking cares  and

i just can't fucking take it I'm at my breaking point so why push me to the limit you wanna begin it fine i'll it

so try to come after me think your so intimidating

well bitch i'm waiting wheres your fucking escuse now

its not my fault you went and got yourself preganant

and your boyfriend resents that he ever did it

and he loves his kid but your a dirty bitch

so he left you all alone for a fucking 14 year old

and the only friends you have are posers who follow the crowd

and pretend to act out when in reality

there all fucking scared and can't bare it

so put up a tough front put up a MANly strut

and i'll make sure i put a knife through your heart

how dare take my property and throw it away

no it wasn't okay you stupid smut bag

i hate you and your not fucking pretty

you look like a gothic clown reject and i could

care less what you think about me

soon you'll all fucking see a side of me

i fear to unleash for fear of the danger

between me and a stranger let alone someone

who holds a grudge prepare to have some fun

as i make a little run grab something sharp something blunt

and bash your skull in and watch the blood leak

on the floor and i won't stop when you beg for no more

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Amazing poem