Gemstale Sisters

No one knows but she was born to the Gemstale family the eldest of all families of gnomes. No one knows that one day she will return to take her place as a leader among her people. Many think she died when a burrow collapsed many years ago, but to her it was nothing more then a way to explore and learn about the world from more then books and stories. To meet new people like those few she met years ago. She stands 3 foot tall and has light green hair intertwined with braids and jewels. Her skin is a light brown and her eyes are as blue as the sky. Dressed in dark brown leather armor with a few well placed jewels along the bottom edges her nobility shows through. Her true name is Wallien (wal le nay) Gemstale, but she has gone by Lienay Stalefay for many years. Her druidic path has leaded her to the city of Kruss.

As a young gnome she was the perfect student and great child in the eyes of the elders. She was the exact personification of a future leader. She always loved animals and believed that they are the beings that made this world livable. She relished in the chances to go top side to see the world and all the animals in it. Her youth was full of great memories and stories, but being born into a noble family was at times very limiting. She was studding all the time and never got to explore like she wished. Every now and then she would find time to get into the hills and forests above with her brothers and sisters. One time she even managed to make a few friends killing some rats in some cave. This one girl was screaming and Lienay swore she heard a dragon when they left the cave. Besides that she has not met anyone, but other gnomes.

As she grew older and wiser Lienay decided that she could never lead her people without knowing the truth about dragons and if they have returned like all the rumors have say. Her family was not prepared to let her into all the dangers that could arise from dragons coming back from extinction. “The best place for you is here safe in the ground” they told her. So she faked her death and told only one person, her sister Lakima. She set off to discover the world and eager to find out the truth behind the story of the dragons.

Along her long travels through this world she meet an Elvin druid named Keara and learned how nature can be your ally once you become one with it. She developed a fondness for creating natural items and created a very profound leather armor with random jewels she had found in the wild. It took her weeks to make this armor and she loved it. She also came across an old friend in her travels. Andresa a friend from the cave the day she heard the dragon. They visited for a few days and had a good time reuniting, but after she left a few of her jewels from her armor came up missing. Thinking that her un-loyal friend stole them she tracked her to the city of Kruss. While tracking she made a new friend a dog which she named Zale. She camps outside to venture into the city and confront Andresa the next day.


When her sister told Lakima about her plan, to fake her death and run away to live a free life, she used this as a stepping stone to prove herself to her people. Lakima had always followed in her sister footsteps. Now was the time to break out of Wallien’s shadow. After word got out that the heir to the gnome throne had died the Drow started attacking their tribe. Lakima was becoming the leader the gnomes had wished for in her sister, leading the defenses. She became well trained in mounted combat and called on her druidic teaching as her command fought the Drow back. A few months passed and the raids continued to progressively become harder to control.

Lakima’s father always thought of her as high strung and overconfident compared to here sister. As such he considered her second best, but in these times of war that is exactly the type daughter that they needed. Despite her skills in battle the gnome king always followed her and kept a close protective eye on her. Until the dreadful day his last heir was knocked off her mount by a Drow leader who left the wind knocked out of her. Lakima’s ridding dog “blade” fearlessly guarded the downed Gemstale with all of its might. Rushing to the aid of his daughter King Warren breathed his last breath that day as a javelin pierced his heart instead of his beloved daughter. Lakima awoke to her father’s bloody hand in hers. He was breathing heavily as he spoke “My daughter you shall not die this day, the name Gemstale will live on for ages. You’re . . .your sister I know she is alive.” He paused to cough again and the fighting around them left Lakima’s mind all that mattered was her father’s words. “Find her and return to rule as equal Queens. Together as sisters you can not fall. Look to woods for a druid named Keara she will guide you to your sister.” The rest of the king’s army fought off the wave of Drow.

Still several years to young to take on the title of queen of gnome’s Lakima took to her father’s last words. After a few days of morning and attending the funeral she prepared for a search that will unite the Gemstale once again and prove to save their tribe. She wore her gem-laced lather armor and grabbed the few weapons she could muster. As tall as human she stood a-top her black haired mount. Her beautiful Blue green hair braided in battle style along her back latched with a leather strap. Below her was a gathering of many of the gnome warriors and nobles. Upon the stage she spoke loud and confident “This day marks the end of grieving and the beginning of the effort to reunite our people. I leave this day not in fear of the Drow, but to find a new hope against them. My sister will return untarnished and renewed and together we will destroy the Drow who seek to rule our land. Fear not the name Gemstale will not parish in the smoke of Drow fires. In my absence lord Mandore will guide you in prevailing against the Drow. Long has he served my father and now he serves the people as a defender of Gemstale.” The crowd cheered and Lakima made a valiant exit from her home on a journey to find her sister.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I spent a great deal of time on this one but something is missing. Another novel idea.

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