I see them every day.
NYC, Phily and DC,
see, they are on their way.
I see them at night;
watching till they go out of sight.
They are all so exciting to me.
I see the train go by.
I see the train go bye.
Riding them see, would be see,
so fun for me.
Someday see, I will be.
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I used to know a guy who I

I used to know a guy who I still consider a friend, though we've been out of touch for many years, and was absolutely enamored with trains. He wanted so badly to be a conductor, someday. I've always loved trains, myself (though not on his level haha), and so he'd come by and take me to frieght tracks I didn't know about and we'd sit there waiting for the train to come and just chat. This poem reminds me of those times, and of course, of an old friend. Thank you.