The Spring Dance


Branches, barren for too long,

now sway in slightened breezes of warmth,

their dainty buds capping the ends.

Grasses dormant under winter's wrath,

poke defiantly forth in upwards determination

as they green forward from their dullness.

Stems, break once-frozen surfaces, unfolding

and climbing anxiously above,

stretching high, to reach the rays of life.

Newly born creatures scramble clumsily about,

testing long unfurled limbs,

while mother, vigilant, watches closely by.

Clouds of softened cottony wisps,

float languidly along

across a backdrop of cerulean depths.

Feathered friends trill their songs,

sweetly and subdued, in accompaniment

to the harmony of earth's lulling.

Upon nature's fragrant ballroom,

the performers twirl and frolic, uninhibbited.

Long-awaited, the Spring dance has commenced at last.

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David Richardson's picture

This poem is truly beautiful-the passion and love is forever present. Your poetic skills are very visual-decriptive to the max-you write beautiful poetic prose-please never stop. Please take care and have a very beautiful and tranqual weekend.

Dave Richardson

Happy April!!!!!