The Other Side Of A Poet

There's a side you don't ever see,

ever read,

ever even know exists.

We hide it,

camouflaged, deep within'

and below the visible surface,

away from perusing eyes,

who couldn't begin to comprehend

such emotional reflection anyway.

Its the vulnerable innocence

of uncertainty and insecureness

we must protect,

with armor,


from even the harshest critic's utterance.

Its where the darkness

and the light,


in a harmony

only we could understand.

Its the place where muse resides

in silent comfort.

The sanctuary where imagery

and thought are born

and words

are given first breath of life.

Its the one we safeguard,

the one we defend,

the one we shelter

from a society 'of the norm.'

Its the other side of a poet.

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