We Have Some Reservations Fer Ya



'Here's some nice land for you, indian...
we call em 'reservations'.

What's that? Treaty?
Sure...we can do that...
after all...we's all want peace now,
don't we?



Wait, we need some of that land now
just a little bitty parcel
(we just won't tell 'em...gold is on that land)


So here...this is now your area-
should do nicely...dont'cha think?


Now stay nice and peaceful,
don't go making trouble.
We have lots to offer you!


The ENTIRE reservation
is for you and your people!
You will be happy there...
you'll prosper well.



Uh, yeah, we also gonna need
that other corner of land now.
What say we take that piece?

You'll still have plenty left.
Lots of hunting there.


What do you mean
'there's nothing left to hunt?'

Shame...you depleted it so quick.
Should have planned better.


Hmmmm...Well then, you won't need all those
'mountain areas'...they are just
old caves...no value in there
(snicker, grin)
They'll be ours now too then.



Now remember...
don't step off the reservation-
its for your own safety,

wouldn't want your people
murdered by thieves now,
would ya?

That's a good indian.


You just stay here all nice-like
and we won't have any problems.



Oh yeah..about that other area...
we'll be needing that now too of course.


A what?

Indian burial ground?
Sacred land?

Aw, its just old bones under there,
what ya need bad reminders for?

Naw...we'll just take that too.





Oh yes, forgot to mention,
your little heathens...um, that's to say...children,

they must stop speaking
in those 'native' tongues.

Can't make out a thing ya'll are sayin!


We have wonderful schools set up
just for them.
They'll take to english real easy-like.

But...we must chop off that long hair!
Very unsightly on the males.





And another thing, indian,
you will have to abide our rules,
our religion, our ways now.


No more of that singing, chantin'
whatever ya call it,
or that dancin' 'round,
those odd c-er-i-mo-nies ya's do,
and that wild whoopin and hollerin' ya do too.


Pert near scares the women folk 'round these parts!
They's 'fraid you gonna rape and pillage em!
(hearty chuckle)

So lets work together on all this.

This IS ALL our country now, after all.


Can't have dissention among us.



we have some mighty nice reseravtions
for yas.




You'll see...its gonna be great!


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Sir Joseph's picture

*Tips hat..excellent..you wrote well...my ex was full blooded...I studied her heritage for her...she refused..said it was handed down to not learn about her heritage and that it was greatly shunned by her family. A very sad ending for her family right down to current days. Some of my saddest times learning about the horrible life surrounding that family and the suffering they even current day face by the wonderful white man. Nice writing...flowed well..and so true...our government is doing the exact same thing right now to the american people...Best Regards