We care about you, we love you

We care about you, We love you

These words sprang from everyone's mouths as they ganged up on me to beat me down

We care about you, we love you

As they ripped into my heart and soul

We care about you, we love you

As everyone is suddenly deaf, dumb, and blind  when I reach for companionship and compassion

We care about you, we love you

As they saw me drowning and turned away with their life boats still by their side

We care about you, we love you

As they left me for dead, never to come back again

We care about you, we love you

As the words echoed into the nothingness that is now me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My first poem. ik I'm not really good right now, but this is me venting because I am in a really bad place right now. Im considering posting where the people who made me feel this way can see it. Let me know what you think! 

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Poetry As Venting

A post poem tradition. May PostPoems b a good place for you to b. ~A~