Intentional Chocolate

I am that little cute chocolate boy that grew up to be that handsome chocolate man!

Uniqely qualified to represent self love to degrees some strangers will never understand.

Despite the daily encounters and media trying to convince me to be ashamed.

I am confidently representng this chocolate skin with a community of my people to blame.

They refuse to abandon me and I gladly return the favor!

So proud to be in this gorgeous chocolate skin, a true blessing from my heavely saviour!

Stereotypical profiling will never discourage me from representing this beautiful sun kissed chocolate skin.

Yeah I am glad to be a chocolate man and I will never care  about whom that will offend.

If you love me I love you as well,  continued consistent support will never stop.

Any one whom does not like like it can be barefooted as they kick rocks!

As vain as it may sound or appear my adoration of my skin is intentional!

Contrary to what society would attempt to convince me; true beauty is not one dimensional.

In conclusion I say thank you for supporting this chocolate man who is unapplogetic about that!

Just continue to celebrate me as I indefinitely celebate you back!


By Bryant M



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My teacher said 'self confidence is God'. Your energy is magnetic.

Thank you for an uplifting poem