Moonlight Drizzle

The drizzle went on unabated late at night

Then the clouds cleared and the silver moon

Washed clean by the fragrant rain appeared

Smiling a silver smile, glittering she swooned

Shiny as ever, more so after the long drizzle so near

Wonderful stage play in the night sky with stars

Twinkling and winking at the sleeping forms

Sheets drawn ,curtains drawn ,the scene’ll end

What force directs the night sky to be born?


As the moon hid its message the unabated drizzle fell

Smiling down at the world its twinkling frozen hell



Author's Notes/Comments: 
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PeterChristopherRaymond's picture

Great playful imagery. :)

Great playful imagery. :)

bishu's picture

Great many thanks my friend Peter

Great many thanks my friend Peter :)



cevance's picture

Such a wonderfully

Such a wonderfully magnificent image you've created, Bishu my friend.

bishu's picture

Oh my Dear friend far away Thank you Thank You Mr Vance

Oh my Dear friend far away Thank you Thank You Mr Vance !!



bern's picture

Moonlight Drizzle.

Congrats on a lovely poem my friend. I really enjoyed this wonderful little poem. Bern

bishu's picture

Thank you Respected Bern Sir my friend far away

Thank you Respected Bern Sir my friend far away for your kind read & encouraging comment ~Across the night sky your friend ~Smile



allets's picture


Dis a be da bes pom s'far, dude. You are inside the meaning of the lines now, just where you should be - it's a nice view, isn't it? Love it a bunch Bishwanath. Yr poetry pal across the big pond. 

~Just Bein' Lady A~




bishu's picture

Without your final guidance it wouldn't hab bin pssbel Respected

Without your final guidance it wouldn't hab bin pssbel Respected Lady A .Original impetus from Respected roseblossoms.Thank you Respected Madams ~Bee Emm~
