


Oiled with droplets of imagination and reality

The mind machine which still creates wonders


Truly dedicated ,highly skilled professionals toil

Yet it is bit too early for true treasure to yield

May take several decades more for kettle to boil

God above bless them all-these humans on the soil




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nightlight1220's picture

Yes. God bless us all.  ....

Yes. God bless us all. 


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


bishu's picture

Happy us !!! Respected nightlight1220

Happy us !!! Respected nightlight1220 Laughing



Diamond_Wills_New_War's picture

And you said you weren't a

And you said you weren't a poet maybe you just don't know it. Great write.

Long days and pleasant nights


bishu's picture

Writers Dilemna ?

Writers Dilemna ? Howdy friend !! Thanx !! Words don't make a poet.The readers maketh a poet.May lose myself if called a poet.So I prefer to dabble on the murky water with my fingers & stir up muck.Bye for now Respected Mr.Diamond & thanx again for your valuable time.
