Language Music and Poetry

Language, Music and Poetry


Language is just a tool for communication

Baby's warble, apes calls, screeching owls

Swishing of the genle breeze in leaves

Singing birds cricket's muttering at night

What lovely languages Nature weaves

Some languages are meaningfully silent

Not a sound not a whisper not a murmur

The language of sights needs no grammar

Music from the realms of Nature

Music of pattering rain on rooftops

Music of the warbling birds

Music of the bamboo flute

Music from the percussion drums

Jingling music from myriad metals

Stringed music calming souls

Poetry is language and music

Akin to a painting in words

Screaming about self

Praising the Master

Blowing "trumpets"

Into deep well plummets

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Absolute rubbish.....................................................................

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Really Good Rubbish!

A voice not heard in a while, every image precisely drawn and felt. Nice way to sing the music. 




bishu's picture

Thank you Lady Allets

Thank you Lady Allets for leading me to read the post          ...... once again
