I'm Never Enough


I wish for hope, Long for love
For anything to believe
Needing someone, to love me hold me
Tell me all the things, I long to hear


Many different things
Things like, I love you, need you

I want you, thats its only me


But thats a dream
No man will want me, nor ever need me
I'm just a pretty face, something to pass the time
Till they find someone else, a girl truly amazing
And nothing like me


Some one to become thier world
Truly everything to that man
And that could never be me
For who I am is just me
Nothing special nothing

Just one word describes me
And the word is pitaful

Written 2007

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Afzal Shauq's picture

its also very rich poem.. I am enjoying your poetry.. well done and seem your poetry heart touching... well done firend