Medicinal Writing

Too much too much in this one week

Breathe Breathe Breathe Breathe

To rid the weeks speed is what I seek

Leave Leave Leave Leave

What is done for pleasure down follows up

High Low High Low

Cant find a break constant interrupt

Free me Go Go

The end is near I plead for time

Sit rest sit rest

Solace taken in my rhyme

Back to my best

Colour returns eyes bright and wide

Air flows air flows

Pressure draining from inside

Cool clean clear nose

Neck is melting shoulders fall

Less fight clear sight

Now if body falters or starts to stall


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I often write in my head before I put pen to paper. After a hectic week I found that as my words flowed a sense of relaxation came over me.
MORAL: Find Time To Write

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kat's picture

Well, Andrew,
That was a good recommendation. Very interesting style too, I might add. I enjoyed the read. Isn't wonderful how something as simple as writing can set us free in more ways than one? That's why I say it's good (cheap) therapy! And we all can use a little therapy now and then, eh?
Keep up the good work,
