A Second Chance

As life slowly falls from your thoughts, you cry out in hopes of being caught Missing life as it slips past your eyes, you find the lust for time that simply past by. The guide comes to take you by the hand, and present you the life you should have had. Vision slips as you watch it go, darkness begins to take control. "I'm sorry." the words try to melt from your lips as the dark begins to tighten it's grip. "the life I had was suppose to be great, many things I have done were mistakes. To make right so many wrongs would be the way, if I simply had one chance to change." Darkness takes the final hold, and you open your eyes to find that one last chance is yours.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A few things just come to mind. Things need to change and we really don't have much time.

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Dracona_Dragonfly's picture

hey baby! i really like this one! lol, it hold my new favorite quote, lol! i love you baby!

R D's picture

really like this one