Love's Garden

From The Heart

Please wait for me, my dear,

in Love's garden.

Stars twinkle and light the

old stone path, with its many secrets.

The moon's golden glow smiles down upon us,

As we are softly kissed by the evening’s breeze,

Loves melody is heard as the waves wash upon the shore.

Voices of lovers past, all consumed with each other’s, perfection.

Sharing eternity in the breath of the ocean perpetual.

Caressed gently by the sands of time,

to soften any trials that may briefly triumph.

The silent dance of the garden's colorful blooms,

sends a sensual fragrance over the lovers,

as if serenading them .

The marble statues that line the garden,

give strength and perseverance to the two,

with their unyielding permanence.

Feathery fir trees boarder the garden,

as if protecting  their love that will last

beyond eternity.

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