No Quarrel

I have no quarrel with my soul;

it sees far beyond the black veil.

Without doubt, it speaks whole-

knows the stars and never fails.

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Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

.... Little ones from him below ... They are weak but he his strong... Yes, Jesus loves me... Yes, Jesus loves me.. YES jesus loves me.. THe bible tells me so....

bluestar's picture

... for the Bible tells me so!

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

Speaking of "No Quarrell" why were you ofended by "Whatever" .. its not pointed at you .. It's pointed at my parents. Please.. don't be mad. For when you are the world stops turning ... the sun stops burning... and the stars die out..

Gravity Kills's picture

Sounds like a comfortable way to be. May we all feel this way one day.