My mother's books

My mother’s books.


Ever since I was a little kid I remember my mother reading for hours. She belonged to a sort of book club, she got a sort of catalogue and choose books and she would get 4 or more new books a month. I believe this is why I started reading; I would watch her read for hours a day and wonder what was so great about it. She did her master’s in Cuba so when she came back she left most of her books there. On her farewell she got a book from one of her best friends, “The little prince” by Antoine de Saint –Exupery from a Cuban friend as a gift and years later it was a gift to me. That book is the first book I remember reading (besides school books) after my mother gave it to me, and luckily 12 years later I still have it. Every time we went on vacations she would always pack up her stuff and there was always a book in her bag. The fact is reading gave us something to talk about, we usually discuss books we have read or I tend to ask her opinion about some authors or books I’m planning to read in the future. She does not read that much anymore because she spends most of her time working, traveling or with her friends. A lot of her books are piled up in the living room and gathering dust, so I bring them with me to Monterrey or try to read them over vacations. It is funny that my mother and I tend to read or try to read a lot and my brother won’t even read his schoolbooks. About 6 years ago I gave her 2 books from one of her favorite authors for mother’s day and I remember she nearly cried, that’s when I realized how much she loved books. When “The hunger games” came out my aunt gave the book to my mom, and she said the book was horrible so she didn’t finish it, I think that was the last time I saw her read a book. I really do hope she finds time to read more (besides her medicine books) cause I know how much she loves and enjoys it, and I actually am grateful she indirectly made me start reading (it is also helpful because we tend to read a lot in dentistry).

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