I Don't Believe In Writer's Block

Invisible Poetry


I believe in images caused by dreams

after a heavy meal and lots of roughage.
I believe the words will come no matter
the damage to the day or the week.

I can take any word and push a phrase

around it, then find a pictures to make

it full and meaning-heavy. 
I do not believe in emotional blockage

because the brain never shuts down. So, you

may not wish to say or not need to for a

while but write and the words will become

personal and, perhaps, quite fine to those

who read them.
Lady A



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bishu's picture

Neither do I !!!!!!!!!

What's Writer's Block ????



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Writer's Block

u can write about anyoneoranything anywhereanytime



allets's picture

It is an entity . . .

that does not exist. :D