Nothing Lasts Forever

    Life goes fast and we never know what we are going to get out of it. Some believe that we all have predetermined paths and our lives are just one big story that already has an ending. Others believe that life is what we make it and by our actions we chose what happens and what the ending is. For me, I look at it like this, we have one chance to make an impact on this world. We never know which of the two theories of life are correct and should it matter? Regardless of whether or not it’s a path or a choice, we can still make a difference. We could have the cure for cancer deep inside someone’s brain right now, but unless that person is willing to work it out and take chances, we will never know.


    If there is one thing I can tell someone it’s this, have fun and explore. Don’t let anyone else determine your worth because deep down inside you know who you are. Step out on the ledge and do what others have yet to do. Make a name for yourself in this world.

    As for me, I do not know which of the two theories are correct or if there is another that has yet to be discovered. I do know one thing, I live life to the fullest everyday and I don’t take anything for granted because I know, nothing lasts forever.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I started writing these as "words of wisdom" for an English class. However, after writing them, I knew I had something special. 

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mrpoofs's picture

damn right. Need this on the

damn right. Need this on the mirror.

allets's picture

Life In Excellent Order


Definitions and beliefs about what comprises a well lived life, choices and predetermination notwithstanding, are as varied as whoever you are speaking to at the time. Writers, painters, architects, sculptors, musicians, inventors, and others of artistic bent may condense the course to success down to entirely different dregs than scientists, polititians, teachers, faithful (all religion heads) engineers, entrepreneurs, and other humanitarian or monetary investors.  Luck is of merit, so too are birthright, genius, bloodline, perseverance, excellence in endeavor, and yes, choice and chance and blessed.


Where energy is concentrated may or may not equal success if fatal illness intervenes early or late.   Wanting a prize, Pulitzer or Nobel or Academy Award are markers of fame; just as Olympic medalists have a lot of the above listed paths covered. To excel is the goal but failures may trump everything if insanity or addiction blocks the life course, destroying or impairing Game and legacy. Mortal illness and early death may fall under choice or predeterminaction I suppose. Ultimately, accidents, good and evil, happy or horrid, happen.


Life has many ways to be lived, granted, or pre-woven. Like you, to the max works for me.


