Dear Philosophers

Dear Philosophers,


I too, get sad when I think.



How do you cope?

The thoughts I have are fleeting.

I’m part of the distracted generation,
I only have pictures,
flicking notepads,
past lover’s faces.
It seems silly,
since they died
a long time ago.




At least, I have the stillness
of the mug of tea
positioned in the golden sector
with the saltshaker, and the sugar sachets.
Along with the napkins – plucked from a swan out back.




I have the image of the washbasins porcelain roots
and the nylon fields,
from the bath mat, distracting its focus.


I have the image of the falling water,
ranting against the back of my head,
and the filler, between the cold tiles, pressed against my cheeks.



I too get sad when I think, when there’s nothing to draw from. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

after reading charles simic

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Si-Fi Buff?

I have him in anthologies, short stories in old mags. Will re-visit ~A~