Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

solpemachaco's picture
solpemachaco posted a new Poem titled Dear No One III 21 years ago
Dear No One, You're the only one there Who's listening to me As I ramble on Realizing that Somewhere along the way I took a wrong turn I to...
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raina_3's picture
raina_3 posted a new Poem titled masochist 21 years ago
it's time to say goodbye goodbye to those uncomfortable stares goodbye to those beautiful eyes goodbye to those short conversations we had g...
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hatter's picture
hatter posted a new Poem titled Isle of Nought 21 years ago
Stranded, strangled, lying Dead. Entangled in the moss, Soon to find that I’m not dieing But dealing with a loss. Not a loss of physical nat...
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singmoriah's picture
singmoriah posted a new Poem titled Take My Hand 21 years ago
Take my hand and hold it tight, hold me and tell me things will be alright. I need someone who'll understand me for who I am, Someone who'll...
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kenneth_ameigh's picture
kenneth_ameigh posted a new Poem titled Remembering The Sorrow 21 years ago
O’ where were you, when daylight died, while widows wept, and children cried, as evil’s veil crept far and wide, we wondered ‘bout tomorrow...
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GabulousGabby's picture
GabulousGabby posted a new Poem titled Syntax Servants 21 years ago
Syntax servants prisoners of malignant minds propoganda bottle fed Their nurseries are bombshell mines Pre-pubescent patriots Not sure for...
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darkgenesis's picture
darkgenesis posted a new Poem titled Cold Pavement 21 years ago
I open my swollen eyes, And take a look around. The world is at its demise, Exclaims the dirty, blood stained ground. Everywhere I look, Bl...
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tweety_32's picture
tweety_32 posted a new Poem titled Was it Real 21 years ago
How do you let go of something so precious Even as i feel it slipping thru my fingers I want to hold on forever This feeling inside It o...
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tweety_32's picture
tweety_32 posted a new Poem titled Damn 21 years ago
The music was soft The lights down low She could smell his cologne from acroos the room As she reached for his hand Her heart began to p...
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tweety_32's picture
tweety_32 posted a new Poem titled A friend thru the wires 21 years ago
Though we have never met I have felt your lips on mine Tasted their sweet wine Our souls are intertwined Hearts beating as one Knowing...
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oh_so_odd's picture
oh_so_odd posted a new Poem titled Screw this all..... people suck 21 years ago
Did you think before you spoke to me did you plan to break my heart did you think i wouldn't listen did you think i wasn't there when will...
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Coconutwritings's picture
Coconutwritings posted a new Poem titled BAD MOUTH 21 years ago
Light complexioned Pretty sort of you could say But............. Hmm very local I mean so crude Bad mouthed and... A minister's bride,supri...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] عودة السراب 21 years ago
ولقد كانت سراب تتلاشى كلما اقتربت منها ومضت وعادت بشائر خير بعنفوان شديد يكاد يكون محكم أقفاله فاستبشرت خيراً وقلت قربت ساعاتي م...
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emmenay's picture
emmenay posted a new Poem titled O ALLAH! (Collaboration with Beena -- "Spocky") 21 years ago
Beena (Spocky) begins poem, Muhammad Naveed Ahmed responds: Your pleas may not be thankless, nonetheless that's what they are, what would...
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asaihati's picture
asaihati posted a new Poem titled [] بصيص ضياء 21 years ago
حين يشع النور في خفايا كهف الضمير يبحث عن مخرج ولو كان ثقب صغير يتزاحم آخره كي يستبق أوله ويتمدد كما كأنه عقدا مصاغ بحجم السم في ال...
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