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laurmordre's picture
laurmordre posted a new Poem titled Blindfolded 21 years ago
It’s filled with a bloody power, An enigma to the people, Dead democracy, Dead theocracy. And it’s battle they want to fight, The dream of...
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mustafa's picture
mustafa posted a new Poem titled Time Bird flees its nest never to return 21 years ago
Time flies Drowning shrieking cries Of ageing dying youths screaming Begging to be given back Days gone by All pleas made in vain Nothing...
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ladyowens's picture
ladyowens posted a new Poem titled The Flood you Created 21 years ago
If I caught all the tears I have shed about you and let them fall into a cup the cup would be full in and hour or so it would spill over and...
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ladyowens's picture
ladyowens posted a new Poem titled Leave it alone 21 years ago
Yes I know you don’t like him Yes I know you think he’s not worth it Yes I know I’m being stupid But I can’t help that I like him And I ca...
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ladyowens's picture
ladyowens posted a new Poem titled The boredom that lives in room 310 (ie In House Suspension) 21 years ago
Silence radiates through the room You cannot utter a single word The only sounds that you hear Are the kids shifting in chairs. There is t...
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mustafa's picture
mustafa posted a new Poem titled Time – Healer of all wounds but Love 21 years ago
I’m stranded deserted The ice is stabbing my body – my naked soul You’re like a fire that I need I crave But though I need you If you get...
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mustafa's picture
mustafa posted a new Poem titled Never too near 21 years ago
I want to wish To dream And To pray And I want to sleep To awake And To see you stayed. I want to cry To mourn And To wail And I...
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mustafa's picture
mustafa posted a new Poem titled The One 21 years ago
My head torments my heart ‘Are you still in love?’ ‘Was she really ‘the one’?’
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laurmordre's picture
laurmordre posted a new Poem titled Shopping 21 years ago
Fire chills from the spine, Like a prostitute’s orgasm, And even the finest things, Will not bring my attention, To the trouble at hand, And...
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mustafa's picture
mustafa posted a new Poem titled A smile that lied 21 years ago
I met a girl her eyes They wore a smile But behind those glistening Smiling eyes A painful Tormenting story lies All her giggles Her lau...
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laurmordre's picture
laurmordre posted a new Poem titled Worded 21 years ago
i can see words bend and swirl all around to create the most amazing shapes and sometimes what they produce is a star, or a heart, and on...
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laurmordre's picture
laurmordre posted a new Poem titled Hollow 21 years ago
It’s so empty; the feeling in my heart is cold, Something that’s unexplainable, I don’t fit the mold. It’s an absence of something that was...
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mustafa's picture
mustafa posted a new Poem titled Promises become Dreams 21 years ago
“We’ll watch the sunrise” Promises Turn into lies Nothing happens The way you fantasised Deprived Lives
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laurmordre's picture
laurmordre posted a new Poem titled Romeo and Juliet 21 years ago
Two worlds gliding into one, And its unknown of what’s beyond, And something is aware of us, Someone dying is not so fond. And our love gro...
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hccgirl04's picture
hccgirl04 posted a new Poem titled Empty 21 years ago
Full of energy. Full of life. Full of love, with so much to give. When we were together, I was full of so much. I amounted to so much, but i...
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