Site-Wide Post Activity: All Authors

geylan's picture
geylan posted a new Poem titled Turbulence 20 years ago
Soft massage emotions Unfurl skin on turbulent skin Unleash helpless minds Oct 3 2003
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laurmordre's picture
laurmordre posted a new Poem titled Confessions 20 years ago
I love you so much, It scares me sometimes, I’d go for the end of the world. I love you so deep, That I feel like I’m drowning, But you bu...
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nada's picture
nada posted a new Poem titled اليد الخفية 20 years ago
اليد الخفية ------------ كم يثير حنقي ذلك الرجل ؟! يأمرني وعلي أن أطيعه، شبه كبير بيننا، وجهي بحيرة صافية تتفجّر تألقا وعنفواناً، بينما...
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hippieslove's picture
hippieslove posted a new Poem titled Amaze 20 years ago
You left me here Sitting in the sand, Drawing a circle Singing lullabyes and hoping You hear me. I put my hands together, Like two wings Fl...
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hippieslove's picture
hippieslove posted a new Poem titled Different 20 years ago
I hid myself from you When I would see You with her. My hands would tremble And get cold; So cold I could not bend my fingers Until I could...
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nada's picture
nada posted a new Poem titled أعمدة الحزن 20 years ago
أعمدة الحزن تجثم في قلبي أسمك سيف نار مصلت على غاباتي لوكنت بلااسم لفتشت بين العيدان المتراكمة تحت الشجر عن اسم يرضيك لوجدت اسما جميلا كعين...
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nada's picture
nada posted a new Poem titled أريج 20 years ago
وردة أنا اقترب مني كي تشم أريجي زهرة برية أنا لاتقطفني دعني أسرح في الحقول أغازل الشمس أحتضن الوهج لاتقترب كثيرا كي لاتخنقني لاتبتعد كثيرا ك...
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nada's picture
nada posted a new Poem titled أشعل الضوء 20 years ago
أركض نحوك في الأزقة المظلمة والكهوف حين تهدأ المدينة ويغفو الحراس دربك دامس وأنا أخشى الأشباح طريقك مزدحم بأعين الرقباء أشعل الضوء عند نا...
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schrammie's picture
schrammie posted a new Poem titled Secret Sex 20 years ago
My stomach always aches at this time Looking towards the clock like tomorrow isn't mine I lay me out upon my bed as if I'm still asleep And...
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schrammie's picture
schrammie posted a new Poem titled Sacred Lake 20 years ago
Abandon me at our Sacred Lake and damage our emerald bed. Why doesn't our love recipricate? It's the only thought in my head. Your truths w...
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lillep's picture
lillep posted a new Poem titled Her Pain, His Love, The Foe 20 years ago
"Her Pain, His Love, The Foe"   10 - 7 - 03 i want to tell you what i feel i wish to show you what's real i try to comfort the pa...
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ladydp2000's picture
ladydp2000 posted a new Poem titled DON'T WALK ALONE 20 years ago
"Artist&Graphics @ Penny Parker "Copyrighted © Design " FancyLadyRider Sig's " Have you ever really seen my Jesus?...
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ladydp2000's picture
ladydp2000 posted a new Poem titled HE'LL BE THERE 20 years ago
"Artist&Graphics @ Penny Parker "Copyrighted © Design " FancyLadyRider Sig's " HE'LL BE THERE Don't you fee...
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ladydp2000's picture
ladydp2000 posted a new Poem titled COME TO ME, MY LOVE 20 years ago
Designed By:The Signature Sanctuary What can I say to you again, my Love? I am right here enchanted by you and the night, Spelling...
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laury2k4's picture
laury2k4 posted a new Poem titled Insinuate 20 years ago
Fifteen years old Momma's little girl She stands out in the cold In a skirt The suburbs are nice Or so we are told Precious ornaments cover...
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