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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Fall from Grace 20 years ago
You'd think I'd be able to fall away gracefully Bow down to your superiority with no qualms at all. Pushed around Pulled down Dragged under...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Sanguine Roses 20 years ago
Sanguine Roses I lay, like a doll, in a bed of roses. The reddest ones you could find for me, Some are even dripping, With the thickness of...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Dignity 20 years ago
Dignity has little meaning When you're On your knees Sucking some guy's cock. But, Dignity means so much more When he tells you Without wor...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Disembodied Flower 20 years ago
It never seems to fail that I fall to someone else's desires. Complying to wishes for one being; When I'd never dream of doing so for myself...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Summer Sixteen 20 years ago
We'll sit in the diner a while. Deciding which dreams are worth keeping, And which we should just discard. And your eyes, they're still kind...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled The Actress 20 years ago
Step out. Toes painted racy; red. Heel touches the ground... It's sultry hot, here. Her blond mane curling Around a heart shaped face She...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled A Mother 20 years ago
She walks by All hips and careless glances. Brilliant brown locks of hair falling over eyes That seem to talk to heaven. Curves devilishly...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Letters Tipped In Posionwood Sap 20 years ago
Loitering in halls ways, and at the back of your throat. A scratchy, sticky feeling. Full of bile and disgust, Breaking points are plenty fe...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Bury Me 20 years ago
Bury me in a sea Of stale kisses Of ill will. I'll tell you, The only crime you committed was believing; too much. Your energy investe...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Forest 20 years ago
Music, verse The constant sound of a bird Trilling soprano beyond my ear A forest dark, deceitful Where even the trees despise their own com...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Me 20 years ago
Me I love Tori Amos and Incubus. Rain gives me an uncontrollable urge to dance about in the street. My hair is curly And I always think its...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Nonsense 20 years ago
Riddles drip in perplexity Sinking down into a swimmingly dizzy depth Underneath stars abound. All you're dreams fade Sparkling, and dying....
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Nothing's Sacred 20 years ago
Grovel, bury your head underneath Sand dunes, breaking your back Sweating and bleeding Vultures circling over head Waiting for you to drop P...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Faerytales and Castles 20 years ago
She closes the door, To block out the sounds from the other room. Every now and then she cringes, and closes her eyes, wishing she was some...
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sidhe_whispers's picture
sidhe_whispers posted a new Poem titled Faceted Jules 20 years ago
i am ugly inside black, black as hearts blood but so cold. I feel it in me, an overwhelming weight of wrongness, of taint. The emptiness of...
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