Just me and my words...

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the_bard's picture
Joined: 2004/02/02

It's over 6 years I've joined PostPoems,I've quite some good friends in here posting absolutely awsome poetry,and I use to spend countless hours reading...!

In fact,I'm not a true-born poet,only a story teller who happens to talk about things that happen around me,sometimes in standard rhym,some times in blank...

I don't follow any sort of style or fshion or anything related to poetry;I simply let words flow,reflecting a state of mind,but very often it is not easy to put down in words what goes inside,even more writing in a language that is not my own,but life goes on!

regards from my western seashores...yes

...on silver strings...!

admin's picture
Joined: 1998/07/13
thanks for sharing that!

thanks for sharing that!

Jason Minton
PostPoems Admin