In Our House

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maeloush's picture
Joined: 2012/07/06

In our house, you'll find, there's always lots of noise.
In our family, we have 5 kids, 3 girls and 2 boys.
Oldest is a boy, soon to be thirteen,
A baby boy is youngest, with all the girls in between.
So its easy to see, why a quiet place, is difficult to find,
But we have a whole bunch of toys, all colours, shapes and kind.
Lego Blocks, Polly Pockets, Pet Shops and Furreal Friends,
Hot Wheels, Playdo, Barbie and Bratz, it doesn't seem to end.
Nerf Guns, Pokemon Cards and Mr. Potato Head's in the bed,
Make lunches, wipe a nose and a bum, the cat's need to be fed.
If my house is a little messy and I don't get everything done each day,
It's because I had to stop and take some time to play.

Around the table, we all sit, squeezed together each night.
As I sit down, I know, every time, there will probably be a fight.
Dirty faces, spilled drinks, someone's fork is on the floor,
One likes this and not that, someone else wants some more.
I watch all day long, as they help and teach, each other.
Although sometimes, I need to say, "Your not each other's mother."
Out for a walk to pocket a rock, push a stroller or to hold a hand,
Play in the yard, kick a ball, then blow bubbles or maybe dig in the sand.
Always a 'Shadow' listening and trying to watch, everything I do,
Learning to cook and clean, count on fingers or to tie a shoe.
Watching the kids play together is most wonderful to see,
But it always takes my breath away, when one perfectly mimics me.
The thing I like to hear the most, is laughter, when they're to together,
Laughter creates some of the best memories, I will remember them forever.

Each day, as I see my children, happy as they learn and grow,
I am happy they are healthy but I hope the time goes slow.
When I hug my big kids, I notice they are almost as big as me,
They are changing so much now, sometimes its shocking to see.
As babies, my big kids used to snuggle, on my lap they'd sit,
Sadly, now, when they try, they just never seem to fit.
Soon, we'll have teens in our house, time goes by so fast,
So we make the best of time, to build memories that will last.
All my kids will grow up, even my little guy, will become a man.
That's why, while they're kids, I show them my love, every way I can.
When my children are grown up, 2 handsome gentlemen and 3 pretty ladies,
I will be sure they know, I will ALWAYS love, everyone of my babies!

sdott313's picture
Joined: 2012/07/27
aw so real

your story was so descriptive and full of fun and light heartedness