"The seasons of a life now on angel's wings"

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Montblanc's picture
Joined: 2011/09/30

" Forgiveness "

A choice made with little thought
Ripples through life with a lesson taught
I had no idea just what a great cost
First words and steps all so lost
Also gone first days of so many things
The seasons of a life now on angel's wings
Guilt even when happy seems to haunt me so
But even now from afar you make me grow
Whispering in my ear to makes things right
To live my life and do something right
Someone blind will see through my choice
Then finally my love you will have a voice
To yell from the highest peak in the land
That the freedom you seek is not a good plan
You will be in a jail built by a choice you make
For it is your own life you choose to take
I say to you question your heart
For a decision today will break it apart
You must see the plan much greater than you
A day far away that will be such a bright hue
You see it is not just the one life I seek
But life after life I have been given a peek
So if just one life comes from this to live
I know deep in my heart finally I can forgive

Billy Alford

Kochikkaran's picture
Joined: 2011/07/30

hi there,

I liked the way lines rhymed in the end. Good choice of simple words.

I enjoyed.

thanks ;)
