Maybe (Not a poem, just feelings)

If he can calm me,

Then he’s got me.

If he can extinguish my flames,

Then maybe he’ll do.

I just realized that the old love,

He made me so angry.

Why would you want to be with someone,

Who constantly made you feel like shit.

The funny part is that, I didn’t realize it.

I want to figure out my interest more,

I want to peer gently into his mind.

I don’t want to go too fast,

I don’t want to rush into serious levels of union, and fate.

I just want to be young, I just want to date.

I just want someone to make me smile.

I just want someone to share all the good things with.

I just want someone to hear me out, and to care.

I just don’t want another episode of anger, revenge.

I want to be normal again.

I just want a nice guy, and I don’t want to fight,

Ugh I can’t express how much I don’t want to fight.

I hate fighting, and I hate cheaters, and I hate broken hearts.

I hate regret, it’s a waste of an emotion.

And if I sense I will regret anything, then I’m just gonna walk away.

Because it’s not worth it to go up & down & back to square one.

Hopefully he can be patient and understanding, but honestly, I’m scared to death.

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