Craig and Cherie Part II

Three years I traveled down this forbidden corridor.

The forbidden corridor of Craig’s love.

The first two were filled with love, they didn’t seem so hard.

Ups and downs existed but they were few and overcome.

Upon the third year or maybe before.

Craig didn’t care anymore.

My temper was lost frequently mostly because I felt hurt and provoked.

He cheated.

He would put the other women before me.

I was always feeling heartbroken.

I was always reaching out to him, but my affection was often unreturned,

And the more I tried to ignore his actions

The more the situation burned.

It’s been days since the drama.

I knew his selfish, inconsiderate ways but I thought his love for me would allow him to change.

He became that stranger he was when we first met.

I thought I knew him so well

I ended up only filled with regret.

At 18 years old three years seem an eternity to me.

We had so many good times that I can’t really forget.

But when I start to think of them I will try to remember all the disrespect, neglect, lies.

My last words were” me telling people you have aids was a raindrop in the ocean of my tears-- you deserved it, SO YOU FUCK OFF!!!”

And then I changed my number because he put all my information on a pornographic website.

He put my address, home and cell numbers, my screen name, pictures and a vivid description of me liking fun with men and women.

He even wrote messages to some weird guys on there.

One even called my house, one kept texting my phone.

We are not even because nothing in this world could make up for all the heartbreak he caused me.

I would always try to ignore his actions.

I always believed that our love could save our relationship: it couldn’t.

I loved him unconditionally but he did not feel the same way about me.

This was learning, not true love.

There is no more Craig and Cherie.

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