
I want to tell you

i think that you shud know

that i dont always

let my feelings show

I hide the truth

as i have a mind of my own

only mistakes and carelessness

have led to heartache being shown

for me heartache is physical pain

As you can see from the blades charms

But this is part of me

i pitty myself as i stare at my arms

i gone through so much

To even be held by you

but brake my heart

You must not do

i have wisecracks everyday

they dont understand how i feel

but give it time my scars wil fade

they'll tell the story that was real

so if you see me crying

you'll know to this day

that i tore myself apart for you

and threw my life away


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jazzy91's picture

this poem is great hun every line i read stars to fall into my own past love it <3
luv ya jazzy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kayla's picture

WOO! i love it!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D thank you for asking my opinion!!! ive read it and fell inlove with ur writeing:Plol

love ya sis xxxxx