

Where did your perfection go

It came so slow, but went so quickly

Must have been dreaming

The way I’m known to dream my life away

My love, I must have dreamt you too perfectly

And, dreams don’t stay permanently

But, in it, you loved me and I loved you

And, I loved you

And, I love you

Now, the wind is pushing the gray blanket of clouds into me

And, I curse and forsake my need to still feel love for you

But, nothing seems to ever make it go away or even okay

So, this is the day I let you go

Let the rain soak into my bones

And, let you pour over me

Then, let you float away

Freedom comes in many forms

Summer storms, then liberation sets you free

And, anxiety turns into peace

And, the need for war is no longer a void you hunger for

And, the feast from letting go

Is purging yourself from holding on

To the things that leave you empty

And, finding hope in just hoping

And, knowing that love is all-knowing

And, knowing that love is enough

Now, the wind is pushing the gray blanket of clouds off of me

And, I curse and forsake myself for allowing them to surround me

But, thank them for what they taught me

And, thank you for the way you caught me so many years back

When I thought I had everything I actually lacked

And, for showing me that watching someone walk away

Can be the most beautiful catalyst for change

Where did your perfection go

Well, it slowly soaked into me

And, gave me a peace I’d otherwise not know

And, gave me a piece of love I could grow old within

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"And, for showing me that watching someone walk away
Can be the most beautiful catalyst for change"

wow, i really like that line....very good poem, it hit me pretty hard because i think i've been there...