Believe In Me

My Thoughts

This rolling stone needs a hand

Away from a path into sinking sand

This heart is bleeding not only blood

Cause truth in lies has made it numb

Believe in me, just one more time

You see, the soul in me has lost its sight

I'm afraid, in me there is no more fight

Believe in me, just cross the line

Just one more time cross that line

This arrow in my heart

Has broken apart

This memory in my head

Can't find its rest

Believe in me, just one more time

Believe in me, just cross the line

Just one more time

Please, cross the line

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is about the need to have someone love you, and the solitude that comes when no one seems to love you. (Personally it's about a friend that I have, and his silent pleas for help. It's my friends story I just put it in words.)

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