i'll never forget

i need to remember, just so i can never forget

i can never forget when everything began

you brought me out of the darkness and into the light

we both saved each other

i can't imagine where i'd be if we hadn't found each other

maybe it wasn't supposed to last, but it was bound to for a while

don't say you never did, because you swore you always would

it was the closeness that ended up killing it

i could have considered your feelings more

you could have let out what was inside more

every month, slowly slipping further downhill

until it couldn't be recovered

when holding on is harder than letting go

i can't go through this any longer

i just have to let go

why can't i stop playing this over and over in my mind?

it's like a plague that just won't leave

i'm not going to let you get hurt

i just want to see you happy again

even if it isn't with me

i just want you to have what you want

i'm just sorry i don't have it right now

i'll always be here for you

if you need me

i can't see ahead

but i hope we both find what we need

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