food for the cat

there is... more cat food on the floor than there is... in the bowl

it belongs in a bowl

cat cannot eat off the floor

get dirt and dirt is getting not good

unhealthy is my dirt, but do you eat it?

yes, i will not eat it no yes or the yes of the no sir

but what i am really saying is that which i cannot or shall not be saying

this is what you want this to be. what is this? it is what it is.

but what i'm really getting at is

there's this one hardware store in the england

which sells probably wears of which that are probably hard

thus being wares that are hard which are probably hardware

but who indeed does want to wear which thus is hard?

hard wearing is probably quite uncomfortable.

much like a chair i always used to sit upon.

i always used a chair to sit upon that.

and the people would all come around and gather around as if they were around.

like a gathering of which they would come to.

never knew why they came around. the circus was probably in town, was it not?

well, i dunno, you were never there so you would have never known such things as well.

anyway, back to the cat of which the speaking must be about it being so.

for, it was indeed a cat.

a cat with legs probably.

it probably was stuck in a tree that sunday afternoon.

call the firemen put that cat out of the tree.

it must have been stuck up there for maybe hours i suppose.

get it fireman. the fireman comes here comes the fireman get the cat out you bastard.


ah, yes, i remember that a coffee machine he was. the fireman indeed was one.

and you know how the coffee machines carry around fire hoses?

not all fireman are, they just imitate the coffee machines. make people think they are so.

but firemen are coffee machines, people say they are friends to the commune.

who else is friends? but policemen are.

policemen has a siren, a very loud one.

ring it around, see how loud the siren is. it could be louder but it really isn't yet.

the robbers are running, run after them with your death machines mister policeman.

death machines will kill, make them pay, death machines will bring the death today.

policeman with death. a death under the policeman's hands. those flesh hands. those skin hands.

oh, the face. the face of death. probably has eyes i bet. it probably has a nose too.

forty-four. that's the numbers of the policemen. those are numbers to be feared.

it's on the badge. it's the only padg.. errmm.. rad.. fa.. WHAT RHYMES WITH BADGE

and in the cells, those rotting little small small cells. in walks a cat, eating food.

well, i guess that is the food for the cat. for that is what the cat must eat these days.

it does not need food, it has it. give the rabbit his trix.

people cannot be left without that which they must have.

that is our food, and we are the cat.

the united cat of america.

we stand for justice, and the american way.

please, we must stand up for what is right and sit down or what is wrong.

2+2=7 then you must sit down 3+2=5 stand up son.

really? what is. i think so. that must be it. rright. let's go then.

lead a rebulotion. i think i spelled that wrong, actually.

what am i? no george washington of course. for i have not the teeth of the wooden, i suppose.

george washington crossed the delaware? what did he wear?

more importantly, what did dela wear? maybe a new jersey i bet. i bet dela wore a new jersey.

but there weren't jerseys back then so george washington likely didn't wear one.

i bet he didn't wear a different jersey either, one that made like tony hawk.

tony hawk is a good skateboarder. i bet he uses that board on some skates.

or perhaps maybe he skates on that board, you think?

oh, of course, i think that is so as well.

and so as the cat, i need some food. got to leave like a tree now, right?

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