The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button


For nothing else to do, I watch a movie now and then,and I was

really curious to see what The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

is all about.I have been told by two new friends here in the web,that I can write and that maybe someday I might just write a book!.Now that is really dreaming big for me, but coming from these two new friends, who knows, life is full of surprises and big dreams does come from small ones,right?

So I'm starting small by writing this short critique on this movie,and before you jump to any conclusions, I am not, a big

or crazy fan of Mr. Brad Pitt.I know a trillion women in this Universe will gladly jump for his looks and attention but, I

kinda go for the looks of Mr. George Clooney:-)

That settled,may I proceed.This movie is so unique for the very obvious reasons that being born in the opposite manner,

is and was never ever written in the Medical Books, or was it

ever featured in the Wonders Of The World.He came out wrinkled and ugly and deformed and old and was transformed from being so to this young, robust,gorgeous hunk and this

kind of magic we are able to witness from beginning to end.

Then he falls in love, with a young, normal and beautiful girl, and of course your guess is as good as mine, there was

a moment or a time when their age almost met, and it was one of the most catching and romantic scene in the entire movie,

just being in love,making most of the time that is left,one growing older, the other growing younger.

And since I am a sucker for romance, I can't help but cry at that scene when she,so old, would rock him to sleep as a child,nor when she would hold his little hand to guide him in his steps and she leans down to kiss him on his forehead.The visual effect of that scene could transform you to a different dimension so vivid that even after the end of the movie, the memory lingers on.

I am pretty sure all of you have seen this movie, and before I go, I would like to laud the writer who in a way was able to inject phrases now and then,beautiful words of wisdom for us to learn and remember.One that I remember is this:

              In this life there will be mommas

              there will be artist

              there will be a pianist

              there will be a dreamer

              there will be cooks

              and there will be a dancer

You will have to figure out why he said that, cuz it's only in watching that you will understand it fully what he really means.Now it's time for me to watch another one:-)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

by the way I don't get a commission from ticket sales for writing this.. Joke, joke, joke

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phil_carcione's picture

I liked this movie and being an old softy I did shed a tear at the ending. It's one thing to see and old person die of old age but yet quite another so see a baby. No matter how old it supposedly is. A very touching story. I go tearing up

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

I don't get out to movies often but I did see this movie and absolutely loved it. Heart wrenching in the end for sure. I like Brad but I have to agree with you george clooney is definitely a click above Brad .George has persona in addition to looks, Brad is a good actor and good looking but what I've seen of him on talk shows I'm not impressed by persona...