My Guardian Angels

Aside from family and friends, I firmly believed that guardian angels abound this earth, and they come in a human form, disguised as passing acquantances.For looking back at my life, and I am not that young, I have gathered memories and experiences sometimes hard to explain as to why it happened and ended. I hated the computer and thought of it as a waste of time, only to be convinced by this angel that indeed it can be magical and can help me pass my time, especially when loneliness creeps in. I did not know I can write, then another angel believed in me, and look where I am.I'm scared of the heights but when an angel persuaded me to buy a lot overlooking the ocean on top of a hill, I never regretted for up to this moment I can feel the beauty and the serenity of God's wonders when ever I am there.

I know that in the end, it was free will that made me decide but then again, these angels did start the push. So wether you belive me or not, take a look, somewhere, sometime, somehow, they have been in your lives,and don't be like me, wether you're young or old, feel them and don't be afraid to look around, they will not only bring happiness and joy, but for all you know a great love too.

Have I been an angel in someone's life too?, I wish I have, I firmly believed I have been...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written one lazy day, and yes,loving every minute remembering the angels of my life.

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phil_carcione's picture

I too believe in Guardian Angels, maybe not in the same way as you but believe none the less.