Then I Have Forgotten You

The rains are here,Johnny singing Misty,

Memories of you, threatening to play,

On my own, your brown eyes I see,

Will I be tired of you? Will I forget you?

Maybe I will, when winds are tired of raging,

Maybe I will, when full moons stops to shine,

And when your name, I no longer whisper,

Then, I will be tired of you.

When my gentle heart, starts to skip a bit,

When my little fingers, stops to click the keys,

And when my laughter,does not haunt your memories,

Then,I have forgotten you.

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Ayaz  Warith's picture

Hi Vilma, I eally like the thought of your poem. Very thoughtful.
Ayaz Warith

heatherburns35's picture

very sweetly written...It will be a long time
before you forget....if this