Prayer Of The Duster Club

Lord, please grant us the humility

and the humor to laugh at our failing

memories,diminishing retention,repetitiveness,

because of the previous two factors.

Please help us to be realistic, in coming to

terms with our senses that need recalibration,

repair, maintenance, and probably replacement.

Please grant us the wisdom to learn to accept

with gratitude what we have become through

the passing of the years,rather than lament

what we have lost and cannot recover.

Help us, in good and in poor health

to thank and praise you because

you love us always,"as is, where is".

Finally Lord, thank you so much, for the

opportunity of allowing us to converge

at certain crossroads, as we journey

towards our True Home.

                        By; Miss Alice C. Lim

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I cannot help myself post this beautiful prayer written by this equally beautiful lady. I am proud to say that I had the pleasure to meet them and had one of my most joyous time in my life...members:
Abeng Quitos, Lu Ty, Riza Reyes, Auring Duterte,Alice Lim

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a lovely poem from lovely poetess it very much, hertiest pray is this..well done..