I Am At Peace!

I am at peace, so much at peace.

When in our lives, we encounter

trying times, and we don't know,

why we arrived in there, then we

go on, our lives so sad, confused,

and feeling so incomplete,always

wondering, when it will end, when

it will stop, and when it will dis,


Then fate is kind, it moves in itself,

and by it's own,it clears the path, it

gives you a chance, to make amends, to

realized, that in this life, so short and

unsure,we are given a chance, another chance,

and by this time, be very sure,lessons are

learned,and let the tides of time, roll by itself,

journeys to be continued, and fulfilled.

I am so happy, I am so grateful, and to my God,

let me say this again, thank you so much, for

this other chance, for my peace of mind.


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heatherburns35's picture

Hey Girl Friend,
Nice piece of work. And who said
you are not a poet. Well I don't agree
with them. Love your work.
Best wishes as ever.

Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

Inner peace attained! Glad to see a peace of mind. Brooding over troubles can be the worse.