The Racer

Ismael Fernandez & Victor Dominguez


The Racer

The sun was at its highest point and its scorching heat had Jake sweating like a pig. It was mid August and today was the day Jake had been training for during these last few months. The day of the big race. Jake arrived early to the circuit, walking the track for a little over two hours. Afterwards, he had an early lunch and went straight to the pits for one last motivational speech with his trainer. It was time. All of the hard work he had done over the last months, all of those hot mornings driving the racetrack over and over again until the point of exhaustion, and all the blood, sweat and tears he left in training came down to this. 5 laps on the toughest circuit separated Jake from glory, and he knew it. Jake stepped into his car and fired the engine. He could feel the heat increase as the motor began to roar. He drove into the pole position. Through the mirror Jake saw the other drivers steer their cars into their respective places but didn’t pay attention to them, he only cared about what he would do next. Jake stared into the stands looking for a familiar face but found none. His parents would probably be at home, cursing him for quitting his job and abandoning them for seven months to go train at a special school. His friends would also be no shows, well at least those he used to call friends. He had no spoken to them since he left and had no reason to do so after he returned, after all, the road to glory is a lonely one. Jake heard the announcer begin the countdown and placed all those thoughts on the back of his head. He counted down from ten in his head and stepped on the gas pedal. The sudden burst of movement caught him a little of guard but the soothing sound of the racecar quickly brought his focus back. After so many hours of studying and planning, Jake knew every curve by heart and executed his plan perfectly. By the final lap he had outdistanced himself from the pack of cars by more than half a lap. He finished first by a mile and broke the lap and track records along the way. It was a racing masterpiece. Jake stepped out of the car, had a couple of awkward embraces with his team and then headed to the podium to collect his trophy. After receiving his huge first place trophy he smiled for the cameras and stepped out of the podium. He had finally achieved his goal, but felt empty inside. Jake looked around and saw every driver surrounded by family and friends, each one happier than the next. Jake looked around but saw no one there alongside him. Jake headed towards a payphone and dialed his home number. Three rings passed but finally the voice of a woman he recognized as his mom answered with a heartwarming hello. Jake opened his mouth to say something but stopped before any words. He hung up the phone, picked up his trophy and went away to prepare for the next race.

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