Enter The Void

I’m out of my body, I’m out of my mind.
Time is an Illusion.
Kaleidoscope Eyes
see beyond
the apex of skyscrapers
city lights
Limits of Humanity.
Visions of enhanced
Movements accompanied with
Oscillating Chromaticity.
Time is now a thing of ignorance.

Transparencies assemble
Radical Incomprehension
Illusions Forecasted
Perceptible Reason--
to Enter the Void,
to Enter Delusion.

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SSmoothie's picture

I like the way you used word

I like the way you used word combinations that implied a higher level of conciousness and I thought that was a very clever device! The poem is also excellent, for me I had a spiritual take on it but I felt the words could also apply to a different sort of second sight! I really enjoyed the way you put this together! Great Write! Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."