
Something that is just so small can be missed so much.
Every stupid thing that she did just made me love her even more.
Its funny how people can lie and betray each other, but dogs don't.
All they want is love, food, and to go for walks, also howling when a fire truck goes by.
I think the best thing to do is to howl with them and be with them when ever you can remember dogs don't judge you ask you for money or lie to you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this may have some spelling errors but i don't care this is not my best but this really came from my heart even though it may not seem like much it really is. my dog pass away about a year and a half ago i saw her get run over, there are more tragic things in life yes but this really affected me unlike most things in my life but like everything we all write something about it and move on but we don't forget about it.

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I think its sad how people can hurt each other so much and dogs can be so loving and want nothing in return but love...and some people can just hurt them too...

Much Love
