Silenced thuds

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The lock cracks and audacious mocking silence follows the thud of metal..

Heart splutters for waking air and rid of padlocked lids that seels my sight..

The pounding alarms my heart and tears slice my eyes like thorns in a petal..

I wake to gasps of air as though water engulfed my lungs with a desperate cry..

Stealing from me the precious air which seem only to weigh my lungs and warp my heart..

Whipping like the leather that welted layers of skin, but nothing like the encrypted trail of scars..

Scars they left.. scars i left.. and scars he left.. scars that were hidden.. scars that decorated my skin.. amd scars rhey couldnt even see..

Imprints left by fingernails violating my flesh and icy and waves of sickly warmth that would eternally sit with me..

The taste of earth that prohibeted my scream and stole my voice..

That now leave me with endless night terrors not of my choice..

But night will leave eventually.. and the sun kisses my face like her light kisses my mind..

And the thudding quiets now.. just a enough to hear the whisper of her voice.. and now everything is alright..

When i close my eyes.. violent flashes may absorb my sanity once more with booming and screaches of loudness my ears cant hear but mind knows to well..

And i open eyes back to the soft pools of serenity those sweet eyes offer.. and even for a moment.. two.. maybe three.. peace fills me.. and forbidden words cross my mind.. these thoughts dwell..

I close my eyes once more.. and let sweet tiredness take my mind..

And in this moment.. i let myself absorb the warmth and serenity and simply smile..


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