Making Real Sense of the Senses

Favorite Poetry

Making Real Sense of the Senses

by Mattie J.T. Stepanek (1990 - 2004)

Our eyes are for looking at things,

But they are also for crying

When we are very happy or very sad.

Our eyes are for listening.

But so are our hearts.

Our noses are for smelling food

But also the wind and the grass and

If we try very hard, butterflies.

Our hands are for feeling.

But also for hugging and touching so gently.

Our mouths and tongues are for tasting.

But also for saying words, like

"I love you," and

"Thank you God, for all of these things."



Excerpted from Heartsongs, by Mattie J.T. Stepanek,

Copyright © Sept. 2001. Published by VSP Books/Hyperion

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I love this poem, Mattie was an excellent writer and truly an inspiration to us all.