Tell Me One More Time

Tell Me One More Time

Tell me one more time that i destroyed your life.
How i'm wrong for not wanting to become your wife.
Tell me one more time why you could'nt be faithfull all these years.
And now that i have a new *true* love you can suddenly shed lonely tears.
Tell me how suddenly you want to change...
when for the past 8 years your love for me never ammounted to more than pocket change.
Tell me one more time how your drug and alcohol problems are my fault.
How me falling out of love with you burned your heart like a deep wound douced with salt.
One more time, i need to hear...
Tell me how unhappy you are without me but when i was there you never acknowledged me.
Tell me how i'm responsible for all that you do.
How i made you go behind my back secluding yourself for hours smoking crack in locked rooms.
Tell me how i was wrong for admitting my love for someone else.
You never cared for me and you never will.
All that you do, all that you say is simply to trick my mind to get me to stay.
Tell me how "i'm not smart enough to leave".
Because i have 4 beautiful daughters and a son who on the inside always weep.
Tell me how fucked up i was for calling the police,
when you made a threat to harm me and take my kids from me.
Tell me how selfish i am for leaving you here alone.
How cruel i am for exposing the truth about the real things that destroyed what most people call a "happy home".
I gave you all i had, you stole what little was left of me.
Tell me how wrong i was for calling your dad to intervene..
when you called me on the telephone to say your last goodbyes.
You had already committed the worst crime by god.. which was taking your own life.
Not once but twice i tried to be there, it was'nt meant to be permanent i told you i did'nt want to be there.
You know my love for you has changed.
My heart is with someone else now,
Me and you will NEVER be the same.
Tell me how much you want me back how willing you are to change.
How impossible it is to do it when i'm not close in range.
Tell me again how your death was because of me..
How i led you heart and mind to temporary insanity.
How i poured all the alcohol down your throat until you could stand no more.
Tell me, i need to hear these things just once more.
So i can look back on all these years...
And remember how you kept my heart caged EVERY single day in tears...


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