
Twylla Medina

My Portfolio
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Chatsworth Los Angeles, California, USA

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

My name is Twylla Medina. I discovered that I could write at the age of 18. An instructor by the name of Mr. Carter, at a Level 4 program called VisionQuest, told me that I had a lot of problems and pain pinned up inside of me, which I denied consistently. He told me to write down in a letter form everything that hurt me and my feelings pertaining each hurt I had experienced. Later that night I read it out loud in front of a fire and at the end of my 6 pages, front and back, we burnt it. He said to look into the fire and imagine your hurt and pain burning with that letter. Obviously the pain and hurt doesn't just vanish like the paper, but I understood what he meant. He was telling me that it was time to stop holding on to the past and start letting it go and with time the pain would eventually vanish. Anyway, that's where my writing ultimately began but I didn't know it yet. I started keeping a small diary as a form of therapy because I hated talking to people about my feelings. It made me feel vulnerable, which was something I wasn't able to be from age 14 up until then. A week or so later I started rhyming my words with what I was feeling. And that's how I started writing. I WRITE POEMS TO HELP ME LIVE WHEN I'M IN A DARK PLACE. MOST PEOPLE TURN TO GOD, which I do as well from time to time, but I believe that whatever helps a person cope with their issues, THEY SHOULD DO IT. For me, it was writing. It helped me see just how much I was hurting. I didn't know at the time tha thats what I was doing. I want people to hear these stories and find comfort in knowing that "You aren't as alone as you may think." I am writing a book filled with Poems and short paragraphs that digs a little deeper into a world of the forgotten and the ones who suffer from fighting wars within themselves.

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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

I don't let what has happened to me determine who I am or my destiny. -Twylla Medina
Be a ghost and a legend at the same time. -Brooklyn's Finest (movie)


Member for
14 years 26 weeks