Help Me understand

I know in my heart

The best thing i can do

Is let you go

Let you run as free as you can

Why i cant  i do not know

Is it fear

Is it selfishness

This i do not know

I do know this

I know with you by my side

I am free

I am me

To be on my own I can

So thats not it

But yet  the extra support

I know  with all my heart

You need the freedom

The freedom to run

To be yourself

But  i dont know

Know if i am strong enough

To let go of you

So please

Help me

Teach me to be strong

So one  day I can

Let go

Not of your heart

But of your hand

So one day YOU can be free

Free  to feel the wind  in your face

And not have to worry about me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

you are my best friend  my soul mate  but in my heart i know you need to be free... so  with all my love i set you free... not of my heart  and lvoe  but  of the weight i caused....   always in my heart  greg

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Tim / manatee Marshall's picture

IT will be ok,because knowing is most of it,sometimes we have to let go because we need our arms to catch a fallinf heart,L&PEACE with an xtra helping ,you're a good person.