
Six yrs ago

just  six short years

i cant still see the monitor

as if it was yesterday

my whole world crashed

i fell into my dark hell that day

can still see the doctors

but yet to this day

am not sure what they said

all i know

is my sweet angel was not to be

born dead i think they said

i have this place

this empty place where you are supposed to be

never did i hold you

never did i kiss you bye

they took you away as  fast as they could

my sweet lil angel

please forgive me

for never kissing your cheek

God had his reasons for taking you that day

but always  will you be in my heart

and one day

one day my angel i will kiss your sweet little cheek

but until then

know  i am always missing you

Author's Notes/Comments: 

feb. 13, 1996.... day i'l  never forget.... we knew he wasnt going to be born alive but it still hurt like hell and still does  ... wish to god  i could skip feb all together

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